Team Tucker - Beverly Ragland

Beverly RaglandWhat is your background in municipal finance? 
I began my government finance career with the State of Georgia in 1995. I transitioned to municipal government finance in 2003.

What kind of educational background does someone need to be a Finance Director?
You need to have a concentration in Finance and Accounting.  

Tell us about your day-to-day job responsibilities…
I spend my days monitoring expenditures and revenues, reviewing contracts, and reading ordinances and State law.  

What made you want to work here in Tucker?
Tucker is a new city. I have loved my career in public service and I am excited about seeing how a city grows and how services are developed. 

What is the most challenging aspect of your job?
Navigating software that is new to me is certainly a challenge.


Are you and indoor person or outdoor person?
I’m both. I prefer indoors during extreme temperatures or inclement conditions and outside when I can be at a beach, a lake, a river/stream or the Rocky Mountains. 

What is your favorite vacation memory?
Visiting Puerto Rico and spending nights on both Vieques and Culebra. I’ve never seen water more beautiful!

What’s the last show you binged?
I’m currently binging a show on Netflix called “Pieces of Her”. 

What kind of car do you drive?
I drive a Toyota Camry, but I’d love to drive a McLaren. Supercars are my favorite!

What is your motto?
I can, I will, I am.

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