City Council Wrap Up – 11.12.2024
November 12, 2024

The City of Tucker offices were closed on November 11 in observance of Veterans Day so the regularly scheduled City Council meeting was held on Tuesday November 12 at Tucker City Hall.
Mayor Frank Auman participated via Zoom as a councilmember and ceded the meeting to Mayor Pro-Tem Cara Schroeder. After unanimously approving the evening’s agenda and the consent agenda the Council then heard three presentations. The City was greatly pleased to host the presentation of the Georgia Recreation and Parks Association’s Volunteer of the Year to the Friends of Tucker Parks group. Made up of 75 plus dedicated people, the Friends of Tucker Parks groups have been invaluable partners with the City of Tucker with their time, talent and sweat equity.
DeKalb County Watershed presented the upcoming project of installing pump stations and reversing the flow that currently goes from DeKalb to Gwinnett to remain in Gwinnett. The County is seeking an easement from the City of Tucker to build one of the pump stations in Henderson Park.
TSW then provided an update on the City Standards Guidebooks that City staff will use when designing projects on public land. The Council was able to provide feedback on options for gateway signage and wayfinding signs.
The presentations were followed by a second read and public hearing of a Special Land Use Permit application to allow a multi-family use abutting a residential zoning district and a concurrent variance. The Council then motioned and voted 5-2 to defer the application to the December 9, 2024 meeting for the opportunity to meet with the owner and learn more about the plan.
The Mayor and Council then had a first read and public hearing for a rezoning application to allow the parking of commercial vehicles and outdoor storage on Hammerhill Road. Another first read was of an ordinance to amend the Tucker Code Chapter 40 to provide for certain procedures relating to community redevelopment tax incentives.
The last item of business for the evening was a contract amendment with Atlas Technical Consultants for the stormwater inventory and assessment for an additional $127,674. The Council voted unanimously to approve the amendment.
The City of Tucker’s Mayor and Council meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month at City Hall, 1975 Lakeside Parkway, 350B, Tucker, GA 30084. All agendas and streamed meetings can be found at