City Council Wrap Up – April 10, 2023
April 10, 2023

The first meeting of April was called to order at 7 p.m. and cast members from Livsey Elementary School’s play Wooing Wed Widing Hood led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor and Council unanimously approved the agenda for the evening with one amendment to remove an item for consideration. The consent agenda was the previous two meetings’ minutes and passed unanimously. The first draft of the Fiscal Year 2024 budget was given to the Council and Mayor to provide feedback.
The first order of business was a second read on an ordinance to amend the Tucker code to allow for setting up a stormwater utility and the addition to the City’s code passed unanimously. This was followed by a unanimous vote on a resolution to adopt the Economic Development Strategic Plan. The plan was created by KB Advisory after months of public input and study of the economic environment in Tucker.
The following contracts were approved unanimously by Mayor Auman and the Council:
- Park maintenance was awarded to Optech in the amount of $716,352.00 to be renewed annually up to four years.
- A third change order for the water/sewer system upgrades at Fitzgerald Park and Sports Complex for $65,311.65 with Helix Group.
- A contract for right of way acquisition was awarded to Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc in the amount of $57, 950.
- A second amendment to the final contract amount for the Chamblee Tucker Road Diet in the amount of $43,834.75 to CW Matthews.
- A contract award to Cityworks for project management software for the newly added Public Works Department in the amount of $36,750.00.
- In tandem with the previous contract is a contract in the amount of $76,300.00 with Woolpert, Inc to configure and set up Cityworks.
The Mayor and Council then recessed for executive session to discuss matters of real estate. They returned at 10:37 and voted 5-2 to approve a PSA Agreement C2023-04-437711 and to authorize the Mayor, City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk to take such steps as necessary to affect an agreement. This is a purchase sale agreement and an offer of $5 million on the 1990 Lakeside Parkway three-story building. If accepted a 21-day period of due diligence will follow before a final decision.
The meeting was then adjourned at 10:38.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for April 24 at 7 p.m. at City Hall (1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350 A, Tucker, GA 30084 or you may watch live or recordings of previous meetings at