City Council Wrap Up – February 27, 2023
February 27, 2022

A special called City Council meeting was held before the regularly schedule work session meeting for the purpose of three contract awards and a proposed resolution.
With crossover day next week the Mayor allowed for an update from the Capitol by the City’s lobbyist, Edens Davis during the Mayor’s opening remarks.
Barge Design presented their plan for the creation of the construction documents for the Tucker Town Green on Railroad Avenue off of Main Street. The contract was awarded unanimously to Barge Design. Up next was a 6-1 approval to award a contract to Keck & Wood Collaboration by Design for the Phase2 improvements and construction documents for Fitzgerald Park. The third contract for the evening was unanimously awarded to Sizemore group for the required five-year update to Tucker’s comprehensive plan, Tucker Tomorrow.
The Mayor and Council then voted 6-1 to approve a resolution to enact a temporary emergency moratorium on the acceptance or processing of applications for certain specified parcels along Lawrenceville Highway between Cooledge Road and Brockett Road. This coincides with current study to possibly update the zoning code for this area.
Council recessed to executive session for the purpose to discuss a matter of litigation. No action was taken. The special called meeting was adjourned at 8:51 p.m. and the regular work session immediately was called to order. The only item on the agenda was an update on the Economic Development Strategic plan being performed KB Advisory.
The Mayor and Council adjourned the work session at 9:43 p.m.
City Council meets the second and fourth Mondays on every month at 7 p.m. at Tucker City Hall, 1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B, Tucker, GA 30084. Both meeting are streamed via Zoom and video is available on