City Council Wrap Up – February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022

Tucker’s Mayor and City Council had a busy night Monday, holding a special called meeting and work session at City Hall.
The special called meeting saw a familiar land use case come before Council. Chick-fil-A is seeking a special land use permit (SLUP) and concurrent variances to move its Tucker Station location across Hugh Howell Road to the site of the old The Greater Good BBQ restaurant. The case had been deferred from the Council’s February 14 meeting. On Monday night, the applicant asked for, and was granted, another deferral, meaning the case will go back before City Council at its meeting on March 14.
Council finished its business at the special called meeting by unanimously approving an amendment to the City’s contract for pool operations. The amendment added $7,700 to the contract’s value. This will allow for lifeguard staffing for Tucker’s summer camp program. Earlier in the meeting, Mayor Auman presented diplomas to graduates of the City’s University of Government Affairs program. The program saw participants dedicate six months to learning about the inner workings of their city and the local government.
The work session began with a presentation by Discover DeKalb CEO James Tsismanakis. Tsismanakis updated Council on the Convention and Visitors Bureau’s efforts to promote Tucker, including the wildly popular Tucker Restaurant Week. Council then heard a presentation from Parks and Recreation Director Rip Robertson on the latest happenings in his department.
The next meeting of the Mayor and City Council will take place on Monday March 14 at 7 p.m. at City Hall (1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B).