City Council Wrap-Up – September 12, 2022
September 12, 2022

The September regularly scheduled meeting of Tucker’s Mayor and Council started with the Pledge of Allegiance led by the Pre-Kindergarten Class of Midvale Elementary School. This was followed by a tribute of gratitude to Major Craig Medlin and congratulations on his retirement from the DeKalb County Police Department.
The meeting had a full agenda and started with six items on the consent agenda:
- Meeting Minutes for the two August meetings and the special called on September 1
- 2022 GOSP Grant Agreement
- August Financial report
- And the second for a text amendment concerning municipal court
The three items listed for Old Business were all second reads with public hearings and were approved by the Mayor and Council with 6-0 votes. These include:
- Amendment to the Tucker Code Chapter 10 Businesses relating to coin operated amusement devices, promotions, and lotteries
- Amendment to the Tucker Code Chapter 10 Businesses to provide for the mandatory use of video surveillance systems at convenience stores, and for other purposes
- Amendment to the Tucker Code Chapter 46 Zoning Ordinance including revising Article 6 to add regulations for pervious pavement systems and revising Article 9 to add a definition for pervious pavement systems
New business included a first read and public hearing for the purpose of amending the Tucker Code Chapter 4 Alcoholic Beverages relating to event permitting for alcoholic beverage catered functions open to the public and other purposes. This was followed by a quick succession of contract approvals and change orders.
Mayor and Council had a short recess for executive session and returned with no action to take.
All City Council meetings are held at City Hall, 1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B, Tucker, GA 30084.