Registration Opens for UGA Tucker Class of 2023
August 12, 2022

Tucker, Ga. (August 12, 2022) – The start of the school for DeKalb’s children can only mean one thing, the start of University of Government Affairs Tucker! UGA Tucker is an education program that highlights City Departments one night a month from September through March and is free and open to all.
“We have been doing this for five years now and the feedback is nothing but positive,” said Communications Director Sonja Szubski. “Our staff loves providing insight to how our local government works and the community has been appreciative of the offering over the years.”
This year the class will meet on the third Tuesday at 7 p.m. starting in September and will go through March, taking December off for the holidays. Every few years the offerings change and will include City Leadership, Community Development, GIS, Parks and Recreation, Economic Development and a City Council meeting. These classes will be in person only and you may sign up at
- September 20 – City Leadership
- Presenting: Mayor and Council, Tami Hanlin
- October 18 – Community Development
- Presenting: Courtney Smith
- November 15 – GIS
- Presenting: David Zeh and Chris Rice
- December No UGAT. Happy Holidays
- January 17 – Parks and Recreation*
- Presenting: Rip Robertson and Jen Young
- *This class will be held at the Tucker Recreation Center followed by a tour of the facility
- Presenting: Rip Robertson and Jen Young
- February 21 – Economic Development
- Presenting: Jackie Moffo
- March 13 – City Council Meeting and Graduation
- Please note that this class is on a Monday