City Council Wrap Up – April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022

The first meeting of April for Tucker’s Mayor and Council was tonight and started with a Special Called Meeting for the purpose of Executive Session that resulted in no action taken by the Mayor and Council. The Special Called meeting was followed by the Regular Scheduled Meeting starting at 7 p.m..
First, Finance Director Beverly Ragland presented a staff report on the first draft of the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget. This is the first step in the presentation and approval of a balanced operating budget for the City’s money. Council is expected to vote on the budget June 13.
Second, City Engineer Ken Hildebrandt reported on various Capital Projects underway throughout the City including sidewalk gap filling, repaving, trail projects and an in depth explanation of the upcoming Chamblee Tucker Road Lane Diet.
Business continued with a scheduled second read and public hearing for a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to allow a mixed-use, multi-family development on Northlake Parkway, but due to the need for further discussion of the proposed requests and conditions, staff recommended a deferral and Council voted 6-1 to defer the project until May 9.
The Council then heard a second read and held public hearings for a pair of rezonings at 1220 and 1250 Richardson Street. Staff recommended both be deferred to allow time to complete the required improvements to the property before moving forward with the rezoning. Council voted unanimously for the deferral until the October 10 regular scheduled meeting. Council also had a unanimous vote to extend the moratorium on the acceptance and processing of light industrial parcels.
This was followed by a first read and public hearing of an ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year 22 budget, as this was a first read no action was taken by the Mayor and Council. Council was then presented with three contract approvals: one for the Hugh Howell Road Multi-Use Trail Project awarded to DAF Concrete for $363,270.00, one for the Cooledge Road Sidewalk Project also to DAF Concrete for $474,820.00 and another for Field 3 Bathroom/Dugout Improvements at Fitzgerald Field to JOC Construction in the amount of $90,814.56. All three were approved by the Council unanimously.
The last order of business for the night was the reappointment of three Construction Board of Appeals members. The Construction Board of Appeals hears appeals of decisions and interpretations of the building official and consider variances from the technical codes and is consists of three members. By the authority of the City Charter the Mayor appoints members of all boards and commissions which are then confirmed by the Council.
Next up for the Mayor and City Council will be a work session on April 25 at 7 p.m. at City Hall (1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B).