City Council Wrap Up – April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022

Tucker’s Mayor and City Council held two meetings on Monday night, a special called meeting that went directly into Executive Session. No action was taken and the meeting was adjourned. The work session followed immediately with the second draft of the Fiscal Year ’23 the sole item for discussion.
Beverly Ragland, Tucker’s Director of Finance presented an overview of increases and decreases in the proposed budget and a high-level look at the FY ’23 Capital Project budget. Ken Hildebrandt then continued with an in depth presentation of recent transportation projects and budget requests for FY ’23.
Tonight was the second meeting for the Fiscal Year ’23 budget cycle and the Council is expected to vote after one more workshop and two reads and public hearings in the coming months.
Mayor and Council decided to suspend discussion and reconvene on May 2, 2022 at 7 p.m. to continue the Fiscal Year ’23 Budget discussion.