InTucker Magazine
March 2017
From the Mayor – March 2017

When we decided last fall to have a family photo made, it was a lot more complicated than you might think. Sure, there were the logistical challenges of getting our daughters and sons-in-law all in the same place at the same time, keeping our dog Cooper still during the picture, even worrying about whether or not it would rain.
But the biggest question was ‘where to shoot?’ Do we go to Henderson Park, where my father-in-law was instrumental in getting funding for the tennis courts? Do we shoot outside Tucker Rec Center, where Browning Courthouse represents generations of our city’s history? In the end, we chose Kelley Cofer Park and, as you can see above, it was a perfect backdrop for our family photo.
The point is Tucker has some fantastic parks. The City is now embarking on the very important process of assuming responsibility for these gems of our community. Let’s be honest – Tucker’s parks haven’t seen the type of upkeep, attention and love that they deserve. Sure, our amazing volunteer groups have broken their backs to try and keep up with the needs of these parks, but that can only go so far. From a government perspective, there’s been a certain level of neglect. That’s one of the reasons so many of you voted for cityhood.
The days of our parks being neglected are coming to an end. The City has hired Lowe Engineers to do an in-depth study of our parks and recreation facilities, including a survey of what you want to see prioritized. While jobs like slapping a new coat of paint on park benches are an obvious need, we’ll be leaning on Lowe to help us with much bigger priorities like studying the integrity of the dams at Henderson Park.
Assuming responsibility of the parks is a big step and is more complex than it might seem, but it’s a promise we made during the push for cityhood and a promise we intend to keep right now. As we get ready to roll up our sleeves and take this on, please look out in the coming weeks for opportunities to have your say in the future of our great Tucker parks.