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How can you assist and provide feedback?
Please provide feedback about our proposed solution as well as information about any resources important to you or to the community. Your feedback is important!
What are the Next Steps?
After the public meeting is held, feedback will be assessed, revisions may occur to the proposed plan initially brought to the public or the no build alternative will be selected. If major changes occur to what was previously shown to the community, additional public outreach would occur. If no major changes are proposed, the project would advance to right-of-way acquisition and into final design. After all right-of-way acquisition occurs, project design is finalized, and the project would advance to construction.
Where is this project in the process?
This project is currently in the preliminary design phase. The preliminary design phase continues to develop proposed solutions that will meet the community’s needs that are identified in the approved concept report.
What are the benefits of project Implementation?
- Constructs the Tucker-Northlake Trail.
- Achieves the vision identified by the City of Tucker and constructs another segment of the Tucker PATH Trail Masterplan.
- Add shared-use path for bike and walkability including safety enhancements for those walking or biking.
What is the proposed solution?
In order to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and connectivity, the City of Tucker proposes to construct a 10’ wide, concrete shared-use path approximately 2.8 miles in length. The proposed path begins at Northlake Mall on Northlake Parkway and ends in downtown Tucker at the existing shared-use path at 2nd Street. The path consists of shared-use side paths along roadways, independent path alignments, multiple walls to reduce impacts, a boardwalk section, and a prefabricated pedestrian bridge. The construction of this entire path will require the acquisition of right-of-way and easement.
What happens without this project (No Build)?
- Does not design and construct the Tucker-Northlake Trail
- Does not achieve the vision identified by the City of Tucker and leaves the Tucker PATH Trail Masterplan incomplete.
- The lack of shared-use path would not be addressed along the corridor; shared-use paths increase pedestrian safety.
What are the current conditions along the Tucker-Northlake Trail Corridor?
The proposed project corridor consists of existing major collector urban streets, existing local roads and streets, and undeveloped, wooded land between commercial, industrial, and residential buildings. The existing sidewalk coverage in the study area is not complete and bicycle lanes are absent. Adjacent roadways vary from 2 lanes (Moon Street, Bancroft Circle, Railroad Avenue, and 2nd Street) to 4 to 5 lanes with turning lanes and auxiliary lanes (East Exchange Place, Northlake Parkway Northeast and Northlake Parkway).
Why are we here and what is the issue we are seeking to address within our community?
The City of Tucker in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is seeking feedback about a proposed solution to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities from Northlake Mall to an existing shared-use path near downtown Tucker. The Tucker-Northlake Trail from downtown Tucker to Northlake Mall project, identified as the Tucker-Northlake Trail project, is approximately 2.8 miles in length and would provide an efficient, off-road, alternate transportation for pedestrians and cyclists who traditionally travel the parallel roads, Lawrenceville Highway/State Route (SR) 8, Lavista Road/SR 236, and I-285.
I received a Notice of Violation, what is the next step?
If you have any questions about what is required of you to achieve compliance with the City of Tucker’s Code Enforcement Department, please contact the officer assigned to your case. The officer’s name is listed on the bottom of the notice you received. You can also call our main number at (678) 597-9040.
Can I remain anonymous when reporting a code violation?
We do not require that you provide any personal information. Remember that all information you provide to the city, including names, phone numbers, or email addresses, is subject to the open records laws. In other words, we must provide this information to anyone who asks for it. If you wish to remain completely anonymous, do not provide your personal information.
How do I report a code complaint?
You can file a complaint by phone at 678-597-9040, email at or submit a complaint online.
What is the code enforcement process?
Those not in compliance will receive a notice in writing. That notice will come either by mail or it will be posted at the property. The notice will allow for a certain period of time for the owner or occupant to come into compliance. If the owner or occupant fails to act by the deadline, they may be issued a citation to appear in court and could face a fine.
Does code enforcement ONLY pertain to buildings?
No. There are also uniform standards pertaining to:
- Fences or walls around a property
- High grass and weeds
- Accumulation of rubbish
- Inoperable vehicles
- Parking on unpaved surfaces
- Outdoor storage
- Prohibited signage
Who are code enforcement officers?
Code enforcement officers are trained professionals who work with local governmental bodies to enforce ordinances relating to residential and commercial properties.
Why is code enforcement necessary?
Effective code enforcement has been shown to increase property values, bolster public safety, protect public health and improve the overall image of a community.
What is code enforcement?
Each locality has a standard (code) by which property owners must abide. It pertains to property maintenance, authorized use and general condition of their residential or commercial property. When individuals fail to meet these standards, the locality has an obligation to the community to obtain compliance (enforcement).
Where can my non-residential fence be located?
We encourage property owners to put the fence just inside their property lines to avoid having to access another
persons property to install or maintain the fence. Fences cannot be placed in the public right-of-way
How tall can my non-residential fence be?
Fences shall be a maximum of ten (10) feet in height in a multifamily, nonresidential or mixed-use zoning district. The
height of the fence is measured from the finished grade of the subject property. To determine the zoning of a property,
please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 678-597-9040.
Do I need a permit to install a non-residential fence?
A permit is not needed to install a fence unless it requires footers (typical with brick or stone walls) or is over 8 feet in height. However, all fences must comply with the regulations referenced herein. Please submit a site plan, prior to installation of the fence, to the Planning and Zoning Department at to ensure compliance with the regulations
What side of the non-residential fence should be facing out?
The finished side of the fence should face out; the unfinished side should face inwards toward your yard
What materials are permitted for my non-residential fence?
Brick, stone, wood, wrought iron, or aluminum that looks like wrought iron; vinyl coated chain link is permitted in
the side interior or rear yard only. Uncoated chain link is not permitted. Wire fences are not permitted in the
Mountain Industrial Boulevard Overlay.
Where can my Residential fence be located?
We encourage property owners to put the fence just inside their property lines to avoid having to access another
persons property to install or maintain the fence. Fences cannot be placed in the public right‐of‐way.
How tall can my residential fence be?
The height of your fence will depend on whether you have a corner lot or not. The height of the fence is measured
from the finished grade of the subject property.
Fence Height in Residential Zoning Districts
- Non-Corner Lot:
- Front: 4 feet maximum
- Rear & Side: 8 feet maximum
- Corner Lot:
- Rear : 8 feet maximum
- Interior Side: 8 feet
- Corner Side
- When located in line with the home: 6 feet
- When located between the home and the right-of-way: 4 feet
Do I need a permit to install a residential fence?
A permit is not needed to install a fence unless it requires footers (typical with brick or stone walls), however, all
fences must comply with the regulations referenced herein. Please submit a site plan, prior to installation of the fence,
to the Planning and Zoning Department at to ensure compliance with the regulations.
What side of the residential fence should be facing out?
The finished side of the fence should face out; the unfinished side should face inwards toward your yard.
What materials are permitted for my residential fence?
Brick, stone, wood, wrought iron, or aluminum that looks like wrought iron; vinyl coated chain link is permitted in
the side interior or rear yard only. Uncoated chain link is not permitted.
Where can my shed be located?
Setbacks for a shed are different for corner lots and non‐corner lots. Please see the chart below:
Setbacks for Sheds in Residential Zoning Districts
(Non-Corner Lot)
- Rear Setback: 10 feet
- Side Setback: 10 feet or the minimum side setback – whichever is less
Setbacks for Sheds in Residential Zoning Districts
(Corner Lot)
- Rear Setback: 15 feet
- Interior Side Setback: 10 feet or the minimum side setback – whichever is less
- Side Corner: No closer to the right‐of‐way than the principal structure is located
Sheds cannot be located within a transitional buffer, stream buffer, or easement. Please contact the Planning & Zoning
Department at 678‐597‐9040 to verify placement if you have concerns.
How big can my shed be?
This depends on the size of your lot.
Property Size:
- 0 to 0.999 acres: Maximum Floor Area of 900 sq. ft.
- 1 to 4.999 acres: Maximum Floor Area of 1,200 sq. ft.
- 5 to 9.999 acres: Maximum Floor Area of 2,000 sq. ft.
- 10 or more acres: No size limit
My shed will be over 200 square feet. How do I apply for a building permit?
The residential building permit application can be found at Please submit the building permit
application, building plans, elevations, and a site plan to and it will be routed for review.
Do I need a permit to install a shed?
Only sheds over 200 square feet require a building permit
What materials are permitted for my shed?
Sheds greater than 200 square feet in floor area should be constructed out of a material similar to the principal structure.
All shed materials shall comply with the permitted building materials listed in Section 46‐1416 of the Zoning Ordinance.
How big can the I expand my driveway?
The size will depend on two factors: total lot coverage and how much of the front yard is paved. Below is the
maximum lot coverage permitted in each residential zoning district. Additionally, only 35% of the area between the
front façade of the home and the front property line can be paved. Lot coverage is the amount of impervious surface
on the parcel including but not limited to the house, driveway, patios, accessory structures.
Maximum Lot Coverage Permitted in Residential Zoning Districts
Zoning District RE Maximum Lot Coverage : 25%
Zoning District R-100, R-85, R-75, R-60 Maximum Lot Coverage : 35%
Can I expand my driveway?
A driveway can be expanded, as long as it is done in compliance with Tucker’s Zoning Ordinance in regards to lot
coverage and materials.
Do I need a permit to expand my driveway?
Driveway expansions do not require a building permit, but residents should send a site plan and project description
to the Planning & Zoning Department at to ensure the standards referenced herein are met.
Can I add a second driveway and curb cut?
The Land Development Code includes regulations on the number of curb cuts, spacing of curb cuts, and spacing of
curb cuts from an intersection. A second driveway or additional curb cut will require review and approval by the City
Can I use pavers for the driveway expansion instead of a solid surface?
Pavers are not a permitted material for a driveway. The driveway must be a continuously paved surface.
I have an existing gravel driveway. Can I replace the gravel?
Previously permitted gravel driveways can be maintained, but not expanded. Contact the Planning & Zoning
Department at before completing any work. Old gravel driveways that have not been
continuously maintained are not permitted.
What Property Maintenance Codes Are Enforced By The City of Tucker?
The City enforces the latest edition of the state minimum standards codes as set forth by O.C.G.A. 8.2-20.
Also see City Code of Ordinances Chapter 8 Buildings and Construction on Municode link at:
How Can I Get A Copy Of Tucker's City Ordinances?
City of Tucker Code of Ordinances can be found at:
How Do I Get A Copy Of The Disposition Of My Case?
Requests for public documents once the case is closed can be made by completing an Open Records Request on the online portal by clicking New Request.
How Do I Get A Copy Of The Traffic Accident Report?
Traffic citations are handled through the DeKalb Traffic Division Clerk at (404) 294-2099 or
Are Foreign Language Interpreters Available By The Court?
Interpreters can be provided for any court session. If you require translation for a language other than English, please inform the clerk’s office prior to the court date by calling (678) 597-9040 or email
How Can I Plead At My Court Appearance?
You will be handed a Waiver of Rights Form in court and can plead Guilty, Not Guilty or Nolo Contendere (you do not contest charges).
What Additional Penalties Can Be Added To A City of Tucker Court Citation?
Late Payment Fee – $50.00 after 30 days of non-payment after judge’s ruling
Warrant Fee – $200.00
Admin/Technology Fee – $25.00 per citation
Contempt Fee – $100.00
Failure to Appear Fee – $100.00
How Do I Pay A Fine Issued By The City of Tucker?
Payments must be received by midnight the day before your court date or you must appear on the noted court date and time listed on your citation. If multiple citations were issued, all citations must be settled in one transaction. Once you miss your court date, you will no longer be able to pay online.
Pay Online – Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express (5% service fee charged for all card payments).
Pay in person – 1975 Lakeside Pkwy Suite 350B Tucker GA 30084 Monday-Friday 9-5 (except holidays)
Payments Accepted – Cash, Money Order, Certified Check. No Personal Checks or Mobile Payment Services (Apple/Google/Samsung Pay). Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express (5% service fee charged for all card payments)
Pay by Phone – 1-800-460-4940 – Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express (5% service fee charged for all card payments)
Pay by Mail – Tucker Municipal Court 1975 Lakeside Pkwy, Suite 350B Tucker GA 30084 – Money Order or Certified Check Only. No personal checks. Payments must be received the Friday prior to your court date. If received after, your payment will be considered late and appropriate fees assessed.
What Happens If I Do Not Appear In Court?
If you missed your court date, then the Judge will impose a failure to appear fee and possibly issue a bench warrant and/or license suspension. You will need to contact the court to discuss your options at 678-597-9040 or
What Happens If I Am Late For Court?
Send an email to or call (678) 597-9040 and try to make it to court as soon as possible.
I Received A Citation From The City Of Tucker – What Do I Need To Do Now?
If your appearance in court is not required, then you can go online to or call 678-597-9040 and pay by midnight the day before your court date. If your appearance in court is mandatory, then you will need to appear on the date that is listed on the front of your citation.
How Do I Get My Own Attorney For A City of Tucker Court Appearance?
Court staff cannot provide legal advice. Once you select an attorney, they must submit an Entry of Appearance to before your court date.
What Happens If I Can’t Afford An Attorney?
The judge may appoint a public defender at no charge if you qualify.
When May I Speak To The Solicitor About My Court Case?
Solicitors are available on court day.