InTucker Magazine
April 2017
From the Mayor – April 2017

If you’ve attended any of our City meetings, you know we’re kind of like a band of gypsies; wandering from meeting space to meeting space, hauling with us tables and speakers and microphones. From Tucker Rec Center to Discover DeKalb and even the library, our staff has gone through the set-up and breakdown process dozens of times for meetings of our City Council and various appointed boards.
This month, we’ll finally have a more permanent home.
We’re calling it the City Hall Annex and it’s essentially a couple of office suites we’re renting inside the 4228 building on First Avenue. Tucker-based D.K. Lippy Construction is working to rehabilitate the space and make sure it’s ADA compliant. They expect to have us in by our City Council meeting on Monday April 24.
A word of caution: if you’re coming in expecting to find a gilded palace, complete with mahogany desks and state of the art technology, you’re in for a letdown. This project is being done on a shoe-string budget. We could have put in all the bells and whistles, but your City Council is cognizant of how money is being spent and we don’t want to spend a penny more than we have to.
With all that said, it wouldn’t feel like a home without a proper housewarming. So I’d like you to circle May 12 on your calendar. From 1-3 p.m. we’ll have an Open House where you can come, check out the new space and enjoy some light refreshments. I’ll also be delivering our first State of the City Address that afternoon and would love to have you in attendance as we share some of the big things that will be happening in Tucker in the coming year.
This is a really big and very positive step toward taking Tucker into the next phase of cityhood. I hope you’ll join us as we celebrate this milestone.