InTucker Magazine
June 2020
Ask Rip

Rip Robertson is the Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Tucker. He brings to the job years of experience in Parks and Rec, as well as Public Works. Rip is a former Military Intelligence Analyst for the U.S. Army and is active with the Army Reserve.

In talking with one of our parks volunteers, it was suggested to me that I use this month’s column to clarify some of the rules we have in our Tucker parks. With it being summertime and folks looking to get out and cool off, I thought that sounded like a pretty good idea. So, read up and please help us spread the word by sharing these rules with a friend!
Is swimming allowed in Tucker’s lakes?
Because of a number of uncertainties in our lakes, swimming is not allowed. The depth changes, there are unknown obstacles that pose danger, underwater growth, critters. Not to mention, these lakes are designed as runoff collection points for stormwater and debris can sometimes cause issues. So please, for your safety and the safety of your family, please, NO SWIMMING.
Is boating allowed in Tucker’s lakes?
For many of the same reasons stated above, we do not allow boating of any kind in our lakes. Especially in the areas away from shore, there is sediment, growth, and debris beneath the surface that could entangle capsized boaters and rescue efforts would be dangerous. We are adding docks to our lakes to provide our many fisherman avenues to reach some of your favorite spots. We look forward to adding docks to Cofer and Johns Homestead parks in the near future.
Can you feed the ducks in Tucker parks?
We would prefer parkgoers to refrain from feeding any wildlife. This could endanger these animals by creating a dependency on your generosity and stunting their ability to feed naturally. Please, just enjoy our parks, the wildlife that is abundant there and let’s create a clean, healthy environment for them to live their lives, as well.
And finally, I wanted to add a note on our summer camp program. We did a lot of studying, discussing and evaluating to come to a consensus on how to handle summer camp during this unprecedented time. As of June 1, we will begin expanded programming in all of our parks to provide a safe and fun experience for our community. There will be daily activities for the kids and even some programs, both day and evening, for our adults. We are excited about this opportunity to serve our community under these uncertain circumstances. Please give us a call or check our website for schedules. We’ve always said it, and I’ll reiterate it now: the safety of our campers is the most important facet of our Tucker Recreation Center summer camp. Handwashing, social distancing and small groups will be hallmarks of this year’s activities, even in the parks. We hope that by offering these activities, it will allow children in our community a much-needed opportunity for socialization and enrichment, and that it helps parents to get back to focusing on getting their lives a little closer to normal.