InTucker Magazine
October 2017
City Council Update – October 2017

Tucker’s City Council met twice in the month of September, making one major decision and laying the groundwork for two others.
The regular called meeting on September 11 was delayed to September 13 because of severe weather. At that meeting, Council voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to implement a special-purpose local-option sales tax (SPLOST) should DeKalb County voters approve it on November 7. The SPLOST would mean an approximate $5-6 million dollars per year for transportation and recreation projects in the City of Tucker.
That September 13 meeting also saw Mayor Auman swear in Steve Smith as the newest member of the Planning Commission and Bonnie Warne as the City Clerk.
The meeting on September 25 brought in another pair of new faces, as Rip Robertson was introduced as the City’s first Parks & Recreation Director and Pat Wheeler was recognized as the new Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, City Council and City Manager. At that meeting, Council voted 6-0 to defer a decision on several amendments to the zoning code. Those changes would have dealt with new restrictions on massage parlors and linear lighting, as well as re-defining “family” to better balance protection of Tucker’s single-family neighborhoods. Additionally, they held a first read and public hearing on a proposed 94,800-square-foot self-storage multi-warehouse facility. Both those issues are due for votes at the meeting on October 9.