InTucker Magazine
October 2019
City Council Update – October 2019

Our Mayor and City Council held two work sessions and two meetings during the month of September, casting several important votes. The biggest vote happened at the meeting on September 9, as Council voted unanimously to adopt the City’s Transportation Master Plan. The document, which includes several amendments to a previous draft version, was adopted as part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and will guide transportation decisions in the City for years to come.
At that September 9 meeting, the Council also voted unanimously to approve a contract with Southeastern Services and Equipment to install multi-purpose flooring in the gymnasium at Tucker Recreation Center. The materials and installation will come at a cost of $98,598. (Learn more about this project in Ask Rip on page 15.)
The September 23 meeting saw a pair of issues on the agenda for public hearings. The first was for a rezoning and special land use permit (SLUP) to allow an Arby’s restaurant with a drive-thru at 4260 and 4270 Lawrenceville Highway. A second read and final vote is expected in October. The other public hearing dealt with a rezoning and SLUP to allow a solid waste facility at 1374 Beverage Drive. The eight-acre site is home to Clean Harbors, a company that bills itself as North America’s largest environmental services company. They collect household and auto waste and store it in collection bins for up to 10 days, while waiting for trucks to take the waste to out-of-town facilities for final disposal. Both the rezoning and the SLUP were approved on 6-1 votes.
Earlier in the meeting, Council took action to start the City’s Trail Master Plan, voting unanimously to approve a $125,450 contract with Tucker-based KAIZEN Collaborative. This agreement will utilize SPLOST funds to pay for design, utility relocation and grading on the first leg of the City’s trail system. That stretch of trail would run through existing alleyways in the downtown area.
Council also held a first read on a proposed prohibition on shareable e-scooters and e-bikes. The proposed ordinance comes in response to safety concerns about the devices. A second read and final vote is expected next month. The same is true of a first read held on an ordinance to prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages or the transport of open containers in public areas.
The Mayor and City Council will hold a work session on October 7 at 7 p.m. at the City Hall Annex (4228 First Avenue).