InTucker Magazine
October 2021
Ask Rip – October 2021

Rip Robertson is the Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Tucker.
Since acquiring our parks and beginning to build our department in 2018, we have worked hard on developing facilities, programs, and events. We strive to serve everyone with a variety of programs and events for kids, young adults and our senior population. I have had several conversations asking for “things to do” this fall in and around Tucker. Well, as I’ve answered that question to each, I thought I would take some time to expand on our fall 2021 programs and events.

Coming this month in Henderson Park, our Haunted Trail makes its return with an exciting new twist. This family-friendly event will thrill and challenge kids and parents as they travel through a time portal, where they must collect clues on how to return to present day Tucker.
In November, we are adding a twist to our Campfire Night with featured cocktails sponsored by Local 7 and Ford’s BBQ. Our partners will create a signature cocktail for this popular fall activity that will pair with our ever-popular s’mores. This event will be held at Cofer Park in the Peach Pit. Come out and enjoy a nice venue, pit fire, drinks, and snacks for adults and kids alike.
For December, we will be participating in the “Empty Stocking Fund”, the North Pole at Tucker Recreation Center, a visit to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens lights and a Winter Break Camp for kids. The “Empty Stocking Fund” aids with those in need during the holidays. Check our website at for links to participate. We will also have information available for those who would like to volunteer to help distribute gifts at Tucker Rec. Our North Pole at TRC is Saturday December 11 and will feature “Singing Santa and Mrs. Claus”. We will have crafts, cookies, and ornament making and decorating. Come to the happiest place in Tucker to create lasting memories and take your holiday pictures. We are offering our senior participants a chance to travel to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens to view the holiday lights and enjoy the gardens during this festive time. For those days when the kids are out of school and you need some time to shop and prep, we are offering our Winter Day Camp for kids 5-12. Check our website for more details and registration information.
We also have several sports during the fall/winter months:
- Youth basketball registration begins October 15 and runs through December 4. We will begin practices in December with the regular season and tournament play beginning after January 1. We are working with several surrounding communities to organize a league that will provide fun and excitement to our program. We will once again participate in GRPA play at the conclusion of our regular season and hope to host an age group at TRC.
- We will also be offering a winter indoor pickleball league. These adult leagues have been very popular and fill up in an incredibly short time. We will be offering some clinics throughout the fall, as well, so come learn to play and join us in the next league.
We currently have several projects under contract and hope to have most completed in the next several weeks. The boardwalk and bridge at Probst Park should be completed by mid-month with construction on the new Probst Memorial beginning in October and being completed before the end of the year. The sports field lighting at Henderson Park will be completed shortly and we have the sidewalk project being completed by the end of this month, weather permitting. The sidewalk will allow access from the Livsey entrance to the parking lot for the soccer field along the east side of Henderson Park Road. Rosenfeld Park sidewalk will be completed this month and will provide easier access to the tennis courts, pool and future playground. We are moving quickly to install new park entrance signs and hope to begin construction of these this month, as well. Our Fit Court at the new greenspace on Church Street should be ready before the quickly approaching holidays.