InTucker Magazine
September 2021
City Council Update – September 2021

Tucker’s Mayor and City Council met twice during the month of August, discussing and deciding on some important issues.
The first meeting happened on August 9. On a 6-0 vote, the Council adopted an ordinance to amend the City Code to make proactive life safety changes to issues like vehicle storage in the City. They then approved three contracts pertaining to mobility in the City. The first was a contract with Lowe Engineers for engineering services for sidewalk and trail design along Cooledge Road and Hugh Howell Road. The second was a $58,825 contract with Atlas Consulting to negotiate right-of-way acquisition for the sidewalk project along Old Norcross Road. The third was a $58,000 contract with Kimley-Horn for traffic calming design along Brockett Road.
There were a handful of other issues considered by the Mayor and Council that night, including:
- approving a resolution to receive funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
- reappointing Ted Rhinehart to the Urban Redevelopment Agency (URA)
- awarding a contract to Woodwind Construction Company for sidewalks and designated parking spaces at Rosenfeld Park
- a special land use permit (SLUP) to allow an automobile repair facility at 2101 Northlake Parkway. This was before Council for a first read and public hearing, meaning no vote was taken.
- an ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year ’22 budget. This amendment was necessitated in part by ARPA funds. It came before Council on a first read and public hearing, meaning no vote was taken.
Council also held a work session on August 23. Much of the session consisted of a joint conversation with the City’s Downtown Development Authority. After the two sides covered a number of issues of mutual interest, Council got briefings on the progress of the convention and visitors bureau, the ongoing public art study (read more on page 6), and intersection improvements at Hugh Howell Road and Mountain Industrial Boulevard. No votes were taken during this work session.
The next meeting of the Mayor and City Council will be Monday September 13 at 7 p.m. at City Hall (1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B)