InTucker Magazine
September 2021
Team Tucker – Salim Maalouf

Tell us about the work you’re doing here in Tucker…
I review land development plans to make sure they are in compliance with city, state and federal regulations, and I assist applicants through the permitting process. Once the permit is issued I inspect the site to ensure compliance with the approved plans. At completion of the project, I inspect the site to make sure the plans were implemented properly. In addition, I process tree removal permits in accordance with city codes.
You’re new to the job, but no stranger to Tucker…
That is correct. I lived in Tucker from 2008 to 2019, when I left for overseas for two years. I traveled halfway around the world and couldn’t find a better place to come back to.
What were you doing in between stints working in Tucker?
In the last two years, I was working overseas on a land development project, but due to COVID and political unrest, the project was put on hold indefinitely.
Why is a land development professional important to a city?
A land development professional is important to a city because he/she makes certain that construction activities are following city, state, and federal regulations. A land development inspector ensures that our state waters (streams, creeks, lakes, etc.) are not getting polluted with land development activities. After all, the health of our waterways is essential, not only because it is our source for drinking water, but also it is important for the health of our crops, forest, and recreational waters.
What is the best part about your job?
As a big advocate of the Clean Water Act, it’s gratifying to me to identify a potential problem that might pollute our waters and be able to fix it before it happens as most of that pollutant will end up in a natural body of water or in the storm water system. I enjoy being out in the field walking the site and monitoring the progress of work. I can say I am blessed that I love what I do for a living.
Off The Wall
What do you do for fun on the weekends?
I dedicate most of my free time to my two kids. We love hiking and we enjoy taking road trips whenever we can do so.
What is your favorite sport?
Soccer is my favorite sport and Bayern Munich (German league) is my favorite team of all times. I am also a Falcons fan (I remain faithful).
You are officially the tallest member of Team Tucker. How tall are you?
I am 6’4”. The only time my height worked to my advantage was when I played volleyball in high school.
Do you have any pets?
I don’t have a pet but I love dogs.
What is your dream car?
Why not dream big? My dream car would be the Aston Martin DBS.