InTucker Magazine
August 2023
From the Mayor
Since before Tucker was officially incorporated as a city, we had volunteer and civic groups that were the envy of cities around the state. In fact, they are a big part of the reason we became a city at all! Not only did they create the kind of cohesive, proud community necessary for a successful city, but it was a volunteer group that led our successful advocacy effort at the state capitol. Tucker is truly special in this regard, and we are blessed with a large and varied group of organizations that serve our residents and provide volunteer opportunities for all ages.
This month the City is setting aside an evening to honor and thank our volunteer groups and organizations. The Volunteer Appreciation dinner started back in 2018 but this is our first time back since the pandemic and it will be bigger than ever. We want to go out of our way to honor and recognize the people who bring the energy to Tucker and make it feel like home. We want to make sure everyone who pitches in knows how much we appreciate them, and how much poorer we’d be without them.
Volunteering means many different things to different people. Our faith community serves the people of Tucker every day in thousands of ways that no one else can. We have nationally recognized civic groups like the Rotary, Optimists and Lions working alongside our own Tucker Civic Association and the Tucker Business Association. There are clean up days hosted by our Friends of Parks, volunteer organizations who put on many of the Main Street festivals and events, and many, many more. As reported earlier this year in this magazine, we have a dedicated group that works together on their own to stock a Little Free Kitchen for neighbors in need. They are a prime example of just seeing a need and filling it – and now word has spread to the point that around 150 items are donated and picked up on a daily basis! Later in this issue you will learn about yet another need that has been filled for area residents with special needs. It has been our privilege to host many workshops and events for Peter and Paul’s Place.
There are several ways to get involved in the Tucker Community including direct contact with the organizations listed on our website at
The City’s Boards and Commissions are also volunteers, appointed by me as the Mayor to serve the community and help our local government make decisions on important matters. Later this month, the qualifying period for three Council seats will open, and while it’s a paid position, I can tell you, none of us serves in local elected office for the money! This November we will have the opportunity to vote for the Post 2 seat in all three districts. Two of our original members have reached their term limits and we will be sad to see them go but excited to see who will step up to serve. And one more thing: If you are interested in running for office in the future, I can’t encourage you enough to participate in the City’s University of Government Affairs Tucker (UGAT) course. UGAT is a six-class course that runs from September through February and is a deep dive into what the city does and how it operates, department by department. As a potential candidate or an interested citizen, UGAT is a great opportunity to learn about your local government and become a valuable resource to your neighbors. Registration for the Class of 2024 opens this month and classes start in September. Visit the City website for more information.
And by all means, if you know someone who pours their heart into Tucker, please join me in thanking them for making Tucker the warm and open community we know it to be!