Saluting Our Scholars


Tucker High School Valedictorian
Benen Chancey

GPA: 4.52
Future College: University of Georgia
Intended Major: Ecology

How did you become valedictorian?
I had the highest GPA. Seriously, though, I never had the goal of being valedictorian, so I’m not quite sure how it happened. I can say that I always worked hard, challenged myself, and tried my best. One thing I avoided was comparing myself to others. I think that it’s easy to see yourself competing against your peers for a title or accomplishment, but it’s healthier to follow the academic path best for you despite how it could possibly augment your GPA. At least, that’s what I decided to do.

Advice for future graduates:
1. Communicate. Teachers are looking to support you, so reach out to them when needed and communicate promptly. 2. Organize. It can feel impossible to keep up with deadlines for multiple classes and dates for clubs and sports. Spend time organizing your materials, work and timeline. 3. Have fun and have perspective! School is important, but it isn’t everything. Sometimes, assignments and tests seem more important than you’ll remember them being. Give yourself time to rest and to take a break. Your mental health and wellbeing matter, and balance is key.


Tucker High School Salutatorian
Sofia Khemani

GPA: 4.515
Future College: Yale University
Intended Major: Computer Science and Psychology

How did you become salutatorian?
I was in the International Baccalaureate program at my school, which allowed me to take a wide variety of IB classes throughout the last two years. I was also able to take several AP and Dual Enrollment classes, including two Dual Enrollment classes I took over the past summer. Finally, and most importantly, I was fortunate enough to have the support of my family, friends, and amazing teachers that I could turn to for any issue, big or small.

Advice for the Class of 2021:
I think the mindset that helped me the most over the past few years was one of growth. Over the past four years, we experienced a variety of life-changing events, especially considering the pandemic. The culmination of those experiences changed us from the scared 14-year-olds we were into young adults ready to go out into the world. But these moments were just the beginning of our lives. As we move on to the next chapter, it’s important to keep learning and growing into better and more well-rounded people.

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